Got Toenail Fungus? Get the Facts!

Unsightly and embarrassing, many people suffer from toenail fungus, even though it is a subject that likely will not come up in general conversation. Toenail fungus is usually characterized by yellowed or discolored, thickened toenails that may grow misshapenly or be more brittle than usual. Toenail fungus is especially hard to treat, and you can find a ton of myths about the condition online. Here is a look at a few of the most common.

Myth: You only get toenail fungus if you don’t keep your feet clean.

Toenail fungus is not related to how clean you keep your feet or how often you shower, but it can be related to how often you change your socks or clean the inside of your shoes. And, people who do not wear any socks may be more susceptible to toenail fungus. People can get toenail fungus from an overabundance of yeast in the shoes that encourages fungus to grow, for example.

Myth: Toenail fungus usually goes away on its own.

Toenail fungus does not usually just go away without the proper kind of treatment. In fact, the condition is extremely stubborn, which means it can take quite some time with the proper treatment just to see some improvement in the toenails in general. It is important to not get discouraged with treatment, however, because sticking with a treatment plan can help eradicate the condition.

Myth: Toenail fungus can be scraped out.

You may be able to scrape out some of the fungi, but you do have to be careful in the process. If you accidentally pierce your nail bed in the process, you can risk the fungus getting into your body, which can bring about other health concerns. Your podiatrist can help with scraping the toenails and trimming away as much of the nail as possible to get rid of some of the fungi that are present.

Talk to Us About Toenail Fungus Treatment

Toenail fungus can make you really self-conscious about your feet, but there may be treatments available that can help. Talk to us at the office of Jeffery LaMour, DPM, PA to find out about the latest treatment methods for fungus in the toenails in Austin, TX.


Diabetic Neuropathy Study

Dr. Jeff LaMour, DPM (512) 451-3668 is looking for people with diabetes and foot pain. We are running a clinical study on our product NoxyPure. The study evaluations and treatments will be free to those who qualify and participate. Must be a non-smoker between 20-85 years old and have diabetes with HbA1C under 11% for the last six months. Must also have pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This study does not use medication but rather a therapeutic gel with Nanobubbles of O2 and CO2. This could be revolutionary for diabetic foot pain.

Please contact Dr. Jeff LaMour, DPM (512) 451-3668 office, if you or anyone you know is interested in more information or coming into the office to see if you qualify.