Entries by Jeffrey LaMour, DPM, PA

Foods that Feet Love

What you put in your mouth has an effect on your entire body, including your feet. Did you know that your feet appreciate a healthy diet as much as the rest of your body? Here are some simple ways to keep your feet feeling great with food. Strong Bones, Happy Feet Bones need plenty of […]

Know the Signs of Infection After Foot Surgery

Today’s surgical techniques are extremely safe and work out favorably for the vast majority of patients. If you’ve had your surgery performed by a qualified podiatrist, your chance of complications is very low. Nonetheless, you should know the warning signs of post-surgery problems. Complications don’t happen often, but it’s important to be armed with the […]

Why does my foot cramp?

Muscle cramps can be a real pain — and they often strike at the most inconvenient times. The middle of the night is a prime time for painful foot cramps and charley horses, waking you from your much-needed sleep. They may also occur during exercise and activity. Fortunately, foot cramps are usually nothing serious, and […]

Should I use an insole?

Stores everywhere carry a variety of insoles for shoes that claim to reduce pain and help your feet. It seems like a great idea: slip these gadgets into your shoes and you’ll get extra cushion and shock absorption. But should you use them? And how do you choose one? Types of Insoles To determine whether […]

Do I overpronate? How to tell

If you run, you’ve probably experienced some minor aches and pains. But, if you overpronate, you may be more likely to have these problems from the way your feet, ankles, and legs turn when you run – particularly if you run frequently. What is overpronation? Overpronation is the inward rolling of the foot when you […]

Tips for a Safe Pedicure

When sandal season arrives, many people treat themselves to a pedicure to get beautiful feet they can show off. And though a pedicure can be relaxing and enjoyable, proper precautions must be taken in order to keep your feet healthy. Many nail salons can be hot spots for dangerous infections and illnesses if proper cleaning precautions are […]