Why Your Feet May Hurt More in Fall and Winter

Summer is the season for sandals and open-toed shoes. But as those warm sunny days transition into fall and then into winter, most of us trade our flip-flops and Birkenstocks for warmer sneakers and boots. However, if your winter shoes are ill-fitting, that much-needed warmth may come with sides of discomfort or pain. Shoes that are too pointy, have too tall of a heel, or that simply don’t fit well can wreak havoc on the health of your feet, sending you straight to your podiatrist in Austin, TX, for relief.

What’s Wrong With Your Shoes?

The wrong shoe can cause chaos when it comes to feeling comfortable. Blisters, corns, calluses, and sore heels are all symptoms of ill-fitting shoes. Cheap shoes may have inadequate arch support, causing heels and arches to hurt or your feet to swell. And the uneven weight distribution can cause you to roll an ankle, resulting in a fracture, strain, or sprain. Shoes that are too tight can contribute to ingrown toenails and athlete’s foot. And shoes that are too tall and narrow can give you bunions. Shoes are an important part of your winter wardrobe, and it’s vital to wear ones that fit comfortably.

What Can Be Done to Help Painful Feet?

Your podiatrist in Austin, TX has many solutions to help ease the pain of sore feet. This may include:

  • Taking prescription pain medication
  • Wearing special inserts in your shoes
  • Doing corrective foot exercises at home
  • Physical therapy
  • Having surgery
  • Applying heat or ice
  • Wearing a splint, cast, or boot

If you’re troubled with foot pain as you trade in your summer sandals for more constrictive footwear, schedule an appointment with Dr. Jeffery LaMour, DPM, PA. Dr. LaMour has solutions for foot pain in Austin and Pflugerville, TX.

Prevention and Treatment of Common Foot Fungus

A surprising amount of fungi live on your feet. More, in fact, than on any other part of your body. Most are harmless. But when the conditions are right, some can become problematic. If you suspect you may be battling some type of fungus on your feet, a trip to your podiatrist in Pflugerville or Austin, TX, can bring relief.

What, Exactly, Is Foot Fungus?

Foot fungus is actually a type of skin infection that’s caused by mold-like germs. Fungi like these love warm, damp spaces, such as the areas between your toes. If your feet or shoes are often damp from sweat or moisture and rarely get the chance to dry out completely, you may find yourself battling one of several types of foot fungi. You can also catch foot fungus from sharing locker rooms, bathrooms, sheets, or towels.

What Are the Symptoms of Foot Fungus?

If you catch a foot fungus, the skin on your feet may suffer from one or more of these common symptoms:

  • Dryness
  • Flaking
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Cracking
  • Bleeding

Conditions such as athlete’s foot may range from uncomfortable to painful if left untreated. This is why it’s important to see a doctor who specializes in foot health at the first sign of symptoms.

Prevention and Treatment

The best ways to avoid foot fungus is to dry your feet thoroughly when they become wet and to avoid sharing personal items with others. Wash and dry your feet regularly, and avoid wearing wet or damp shoes. And if you need treatment for foot fungus in Pflugerville or Austin, TX, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jeffery LaMour, DPM, PA. Dr. Jeffery LaMour is experienced and always professional. And he’s waiting to help you alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms of athlete’s foot and conditions like it.

Treatment Options for Ingrown Toenails

Is your toe unusually sore? It may be that you have an ingrown toenail. Ingrown toenails happen when the hard corner of a toenail begins growing into the corner of the soft flesh that surrounds it. Several factors may contribute to ingrown toenails, including how you shape the nail when clipping it. This condition usually affects the big toe, and when it happens, you’ll know something is amiss. A visit to your podiatrist in Austin or Pflugerville, TX, can bring relief from the pain and discomfort of an ingrown toenail.

How Does Your Podiatrist Treat Ingrown Toenails?

Your podiatrist will begin by taking a close look at your affected foot. If the nail has ingrown, they may prescribe antibiotic ointment or oral medication and give you instructions on how to soak and wrap your toe at home.

Will You Need Surgery for Your Ingrown Toenail?

In more serious instances, a partial or full toenail removal may be required, which isn’t as bad as it sounds. When your podiatrist removes your toenail, they first administer an anesthetic, so you feel no pain. Afterward, they’ll usually remove the small portion of the nail that’s growing into the skin. In severe cases, they may remove the entire nail. In either event, your toe will heal quickly, and you can usually return to your regular schedule the next day. In most cases, over-the-counter pain killers are all that’s needed after surgery for your ingrown toenail.

Find Treatment for Ingrown Toenails in Austin, TX

If you need treatment for an ingrown toenail in Pflugerville or Austin, TX, call Dr. Jeffery Lamour, DPM, PA. Dr. Jeffery Lamour has been helping patients take good care of their feet for more than two decades, and he’s ready to help you, too. Set up a consultation today.

What Can Be Done for Hammertoe?

Does your second, third, or fourth toe have an unusual bend at the middle joint? If so, you may be suffering from a condition known as hammertoe. Unlike it sounds, hammertoe is not caused by dropping a heavy tool on your foot. Rather, it happens because something has caused an imbalance in the muscle or tendon that usually holds the toe straight.

Many things may contribute to hammertoe, including diseases such as arthritis or even the type of shoes you wear. Regardless, most people who have hammertoe find it to be a painful condition. For this reason, a visit to your podiatrist in Austin or Pflugerville, TX, is recommended.

Why Hammertoe Is Painful

Often, the unusual bend in a hammertoe causes the toe to rub against your shoe repeatedly. Over time, painful blisters may form, and later — corns or calluses. The best way to relieve the pain of hammertoe is to prevent the toe from coming into wrong contact with your shoe.

Your podiatrist in Austin or Pflugerville, TX, may be able to recommend a different type or size of shoe that may help. Or sometimes, they may suggest special pads made to prevent corns and calluses from friction. Shoe inserts are also sometimes helpful.

Is There a Way to Correct Hammertoe?

Hammertoe can usually be corrected through simple surgery. Your surgeon may snip the tendon or muscle that’s causing the deformity. Or, they may remove a small portion of bone to help your toe return to it’s normal, flat position. Surgery is usually a last resort, however. And your podiatrist will try to find less invasive methods to ease the pain of hammertoe first.

For diagnosis and treatment of hammertoe in Austin or Pflugerville, TX, call Dr. Jeffery LaMour, DPM,PA, today.