What Color Is Subungual Onychomycosis Fungus?

Subungual onychomycosis (SO) is not exactly a household name but a relatively common infection. More common in toenails than in fingernails, it’s a fungal infection of the nail bed. If you’re concerned about toenail fungus in Pflugerville, we’ll look at how this manifests and what to keep an eye on.

What Color is Subungual Onychomycosis?

Often known as simply toenail fungus, SO is usually white or yellow. In rarer cases, it can be green, brown, or even black, though the standard is some variation of white or yellow. The nail could be entirely yellow or white, or it might have streaks or spots of the colors. The other way to identify SO is by the thickness of the nail. In some cases, SO can cause toenails to separate from the bed.

Is SO Fungus Contagious?

If you have SO fungus in Austin, TX, you should know that it is contagious. However, that doesn’t mean that your other nails will immediately develop it or everyone in your household will get it. While you will need to be careful, it’s not so easily spread that you will need to be vigilant about what you come in contact with.

Podiatrists in Austin, TX

Fungus may not be the most serious condition, but you don’t want it to get out of hand either. The best way to avoid SO fungus is by buying shoes that fit and keeping your feet dry. You should also avoid sharing items like nail clippers for good measure. If you’re concerned about fungus, talking to a podiatrist in Pflugerville may help. At Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA, with locations in both Austin and Pflugerville, you’ll meet a foot doctor who can not only diagnose the type of fungus you have but help you clear it up as quickly as possible.

How to Prevent Foot Fungus This Summer

Foot fungus is more prevalent in summer due to the high heat and humidity conditions. While foot fungus is usually not serious, it can lead to serious problems if not properly treated by a podiatrist in Austin, TX. Besides being incredibly uncomfortable, foot fungus can lead to problems wearing shoes, walking and generally participating in life’s most enjoyable activities. Here are some simple ways to prevent foot fungus this summer.

Avoid Tight Shoes

Thick and tight shoes trap moisture, creating a perfect environment for fungi to grow. This makes your feet more prone to developing athlete’s foot. Wear shoes that allow your feet to breathe and stay dry.

Invest in Quality Shoes

Shoes made of plastic heat up faster and have a poor breathability score compared to leather or canvas shoes. Investing in quality shoes can help reduce the risk of getting athlete’s foot.

Avoid Public Swimming Pools and Gyms

Athlete’s foot-causing bacteria thrives in warm and humid environments like public swimming pools and gyms. Consider other exercise options, especially if you have a weaker immune system.

Keep Feet Dry

To prevent athlete’s foot, keep your feet dry. Moisture and heat are two things that fungi need to thrive. Use antifungal talcum powders to keep your skin dry and comfortable throughout the day.

Remove Shoes After Exercising

Remove your shoes after exercising and clean your feet with antibacterial soap to kill any harmful bacteria on your skin.

Wear Socks Made of Natural Fabrics

To reduce the risk of developing athlete’s foot, wear socks made of natural fabrics such as cotton or silk. These materials are more breathable and help keep your skin comfortable and cool during the summer.

Athlete’s foot may be prevented this summer by taking these simple steps. If you do get athlete’s foot in Austin, TX, contact your podiatrist for advice and treatment. Get in touch with us today to learn more.

My Feet Smell Bad – Is It Foot Fungus?

Foot odor is a problem that many people have, including people struggling with foot fungus. However, not everyone with foot odor has a fungus. Foot odor can be frustrating for the person experiencing it, and if you don’t know the cause, it can be hard to get rid of. Seeing a podiatrist in Austin, TX may help, depending on the problem. Here’s what you need to know.

Some Feet Naturally Smell Worse Than Others

Sweat and bacteria both occur naturally on the feet, and both can cause feet to smell. Bromodosis is a scientific word for a condition that occurs when sweat on the feet becomes trapped, causing the feet to smell. Some people have naturally sweaty feet, and therefore are prone to this odor.

In addition, the bacteria on the bottom of the feet can create a particularly smelly acid. The type of odor that most people experience depends on the type of bacteria on their feet.

What You Can Do

  • Keep your feet dry
  • Wash your feet daily, and dry them thoroughly when you’re done
  • Wear socks
  • Avoid wearing the same shoes two days in a row
  • Keep your shoes clean and dry
  • Soak your feet for twenty minutes in two parts warm water, one part vinegar, once per week

Foot Fungus Could Be the Cause

Foot fungus can be the cause of your foot odor. If your efforts to get rid of your foot odor have not worked, you may need treatment for athlete’s foot and other foot fungus in Austin TX. Call Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA to learn more about treatment for athlete’s foot. Call today.

Prevention and Treatment of Common Foot Fungus

A surprising amount of fungi live on your feet. More, in fact, than on any other part of your body. Most are harmless. But when the conditions are right, some can become problematic. If you suspect you may be battling some type of fungus on your feet, a trip to your podiatrist in Pflugerville or Austin, TX, can bring relief.

What, Exactly, Is Foot Fungus?

Foot fungus is actually a type of skin infection that’s caused by mold-like germs. Fungi like these love warm, damp spaces, such as the areas between your toes. If your feet or shoes are often damp from sweat or moisture and rarely get the chance to dry out completely, you may find yourself battling one of several types of foot fungi. You can also catch foot fungus from sharing locker rooms, bathrooms, sheets, or towels.

What Are the Symptoms of Foot Fungus?

If you catch a foot fungus, the skin on your feet may suffer from one or more of these common symptoms:

  • Dryness
  • Flaking
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Cracking
  • Bleeding

Conditions such as athlete’s foot may range from uncomfortable to painful if left untreated. This is why it’s important to see a doctor who specializes in foot health at the first sign of symptoms.

Prevention and Treatment

The best ways to avoid foot fungus is to dry your feet thoroughly when they become wet and to avoid sharing personal items with others. Wash and dry your feet regularly, and avoid wearing wet or damp shoes. And if you need treatment for foot fungus in Pflugerville or Austin, TX, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jeffery LaMour, DPM, PA. Dr. Jeffery LaMour is experienced and always professional. And he’s waiting to help you alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms of athlete’s foot and conditions like it.

Is Toenail Fungus Dangerous?

It may seem odd to have to visit a podiatrist in Austin, TX for a case of toenail fungus. After all, in summer, many people often get toenail fungus. In fact, though, toenail fungus can become a dangerous condition if left untreated.

What is Toenail Fungus?

The official name for toenail fungus is onychomycosis. It is a fungal infection that can become widespread, affecting the toenails and surrounding tissue. It occurs when fungi begins growing between the nailbed tissue and the nail, typically taking hold through a small cut or fissure in the toe. Toenail fungus is quite common, especially in summer, when feet are less likely to be protected. It’s also more common in older folks who may pay less attention to the health of their feet.

Is Toenail Fungus Dangerous?

Toenail fungus needs to be treated. It rarely just goes away on its own. Left untreated, it can become more troublesome and even dangerous in certain circumstances. Here are some possible results of untreated toenail fungus:

Pain and Discomfort

Toenail fungus often leaves toenails discolored and misshapen. It can cause the nail to thicken or even separate from the nail bed. This can make the wearing of shoes difficult or even painful. The nail may even fall off altogether.

Athlete’s Feet

When toenail fungus is allowed to spread, untreated, it often develops into a full-blown case of athlete’s feet. This is a painful condition that results in blistering, red and flaky skin. It leaves the skin on the feet very vulnerable to further infection.

Wider Infection

In persons with underlying conditions such as diabetes, toenail fungus can result in a widespread infection that threatens overall health. This may end up causing cellulite, which needs antibiotic treatment. The infection could even enter the bloodstream, where it can become life-threatening.

If you suspect that you may need treatment for toenail fungus in Austin, TX, see your podiatrist immediately. Don’t try to rely on over-the-counter medication that may mask symptoms but not get rid of the fungus. Contact us for help.

Serious Warnings About Foot Fungus

Your podiatrist in Austin wants you to know how serious foot fungus can be. Rather than ignore this potentially serious condition, it’s important to recognize the warnings about foot fungus so you can get appropriate treatment when necessary.

What is Foot Fungus?

Foot fungus includes any fungus that presents on any part of the foot or toenails. The most widely known type of foot fungus is Athlete’s Foot, but there are many types of foot fungus to be aware of. If you have the signs of foot fungus, you should contact your Austin podiatrist for a professional diagnosis and treatment. Foot fungus is a fungal infection caused by microscopic fungi. In the case of toenail fungus, the fungi are called dermatophytes. Dermatophytes are so small that they can enter the skin through open areas such as blisters, skin cracks, cuts and small scrapes. A small, painless foot wound that you might not even notice provides plenty of opportunity for dermatophytes to get under the skin. In the case of Athlete’s Foot, this condition is another type of fungal condition called tinea pedis. While some kinds of foot fungus may seem relatively harmless, foot fungus can lead to terrible consequences if left untreated.

Serious Warnings About Foot Fungus

First of all, the symptoms of Athlete’s Foot and toenail fungus should not be ignored. The problem lies in self-diagnosing at home. Often, what you think can be treated with some home remedy actually needs professional treatment. Fungus is a very resilient growth. You may think you’ve gotten rid of it, but it can return even worse than it was before. When you consider that the symptoms of a foot fungus can lead to infection or even worse, you realize that you should always get any kind of foot fungus treated by a podiatrist.

Symptoms of Foot Fungus

Symptoms of foot fungus include:

  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Flaking skin
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Cracks in the skin
  • Blackening of the skin or toenails
  • Crumbling toenails
  • Foul odor
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Nail separating from nail bed
  • Thickening or curling of the nail
  • Itching that cannot be satisfied

Remember that fungus is a growth that can survive in dark, moist conditions; just like when you wear socks and shoes. If you want to get rid of your foot fungus for good, contact your Austin podiatrist to book your appointment.