What Are Orthotics?

When your podiatrist in Pflugerville or Austin, TX, does your exam, an abnormal movement of the ankle or foot may be discovered. Often, this abnormal movement is the root cause of pain or discomfort in the body. Interestingly, some people try to alleviate discomfort on their own, thinking that they need a softer insole in their shoes or simply a new pair of shoes. However, trying to solve this condition with over-the-counter insoles from a drugstore is not going to help the problem and may even make matters worse.

Off the Shelf, Inserts Are Not Orthotics

You may have thought that you needed more cushion if you are experiencing foot pain. While a softer sole or more cushion may feel great, it does not address the root cause of foot pain. Many people make this mistake when they purchase orthotics. Simply bending your shoe insert will reveal its purpose of it. If you can easily bend or roll your shoe insert, this type of insert provides cushioning, not support.

Custom Orthotics in Austin, TX

Custom orthotics in Pflugerville or Austin, TX, are completely different. Custom means that a podiatrist may take an impression or scan of your foot to make the orthotic. Your ankle and foot’s alignment and function will be properly adjusted when you get a custom orthotic from your podiatrist. The abnormal movement of the foot can be improved by these types of orthotics. In addition, you may feel less pain and have fewer other alignment issues. Custom orthotics can also make cardio and other exercise activities safer, more effective, and less painful.

If your feet or ankles always hurt, a drugstore trip won’t help in the long run. Before you spend money on a shoe insert, see a podiatrist get a proper diagnosis. Contact us today for an appointment.

The Effects of Arthritis on Your Feet

When most people hear “arthritis,” they instantly think of fingers and hands. However, arthritis can affect any joint in your body, including the 33 in each foot. And once it comes to visit, you’ll know something is amiss. 

Arthritis is a painful condition caused by the breakdown of the cartilage that acts as cushioning between the bones. When this protective tissue becomes damaged, it may cause bone-on-bone friction that’s very painful. And with 33 joints, there are many opportunities for arthritis to attack your feet. If you suspect this may be happening to you, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your podiatrist in Austin, TX.

What Are the Symptoms of Arthritis in My Feet?

The primary symptoms of arthritis in any joint are pain and stiffness. But there may be other indications as well. These include:

  • Redness of the affected area
  • Swelling
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Tenderness to the touch
  • Inability to stand or walk without pain
  • Pain that continues even when feet are at rest

If you struggle with arthritis in your feet, it can seriously impact your quality of life. Everyday tasks like driving, jogging, or even walking may become impossible. You may experience decreased independence and find yourself confined to a couch or bed until you begin treatment.

Which Type of Arthritis Attacks the Feet?

There are generally three types of arthritis that may target the feet:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis — The immune system attacks the lining between bones
  • Osteoarthritis — Caused by wear and tear as we age
  • Post-Traumatic Arthritis — Brought on by injury

Contact Your Podiatrist in Austin, TX

All three types of arthritis in Austin, TX, are treatable by your family podiatrist. In the Austin and Pflugerville areas, call Dr. Jeffery Lamour, DPM. PA. for diagnosis and treatment of arthritis-related pain and discomfort in your feet.

Top 3 Treatments for Healing Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain

Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. This occurs as the “fascia” (muscles, ligaments) across the bottom of the foot connects the heel bone to the toes. Plantar fasciitis has many signs and symptoms, including stabbing pain when walking, especially after more extended periods of rest. The most common symptom is immediate extreme pain after waking up in the morning, with the pain gradually decreasing throughout the day.

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?

Causes range from identifiable issues to simple overuse. Most Americans will feel some heel pain throughout their lives. Those who are overweight, spend considerable time running, or are aging could experience more extreme pain in their ligaments.

How Is Plantar Fasciitis Treated?

There are not many at-home remedies that are used to treat Plantar Fasciitis. There are certain things you can do to relieve some of the pain, including

  • Applying a cold, then hot, compress the area
  • Light stretching
  • Light movement every 15 minutes
  • Resting the area when swollen or in pain

To tackle the root of the issue, three main techniques used by Dr. Lamour of Austin, TX are:


This is the least invasive procedure. The procedure involves using a “wand” device that delivers radiofrequency waves to the affected area. The energy that is created naturally stimulates circulation and healthy tissue repair.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP is a naturally occurring substance found in your blood. A sample of your blood is processed and reinfected into the painful area. Over time, the injections help to promote natural healing within your body to regenerate the fascia.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment (ESWT)

Similar to TOPAZ, this therapy comprises waves of energy that are directed to the skin, which promotes a quick healing response. It is non-invasive and used to treat more milder issues.

Experienced Podiatrist in Austin, TX

Dr. Lamour is a licensed podiatrist who has dedicated his life to proper foot care for his patients. During your free consultation, he will be able to provide an appropriate course of action based on your unique situation.

When Is It Time to See A Professional About My Ingrown Toenail?

Ingrown toenails happen from time to time. Although they are prevalent, there are various situations where you may need to consult a professional. An ingrown toenail causes soreness in the affected area and can feel like your entire foot or toe is on fire. This may happen naturally due to how your toenail grows, but many other issues arise, such as how your nails are cut, how long you leave them, or if you have experienced injury and trauma in the nearby area.

In this post, we’ll look at the top three symptoms of visiting your podiatrist in Austin, TX.

It interferes With Your Quality of Life

Regardless of how long you have had the pain, your ingrown toenail may cause a major shift to occur in your life. If the pain subsides after a few days and is completely bearable during your day-to-day life, there may not be any cause for concern. However, if you are unable to walk without pain, your shoes do not fit, or you are not able to take part in your daily physical activity – it may be time to have a professional look at your situation.

There is Moderate to Severe Discoloration

Ingrown toenails happen in myriad ways and can cause many different complications. Toenails that are purple or yellow show signs of infection and internal bleeding, often accompanied by severe pain when touching or placing pressure on the affected area; in these cases, it is best to see a professional immediately.

The Pain is Persistent

If the pain has been substantial and, most important, present for longer than a few weeks – it is best to err on the side of caution and seek professional guidance.

Treatment Options: Podiatrist in Austin, TX

Podiatrists are professionally licensed medical practitioners that handle all manner of challenges related to your foot health. Dr. Jeffery Lamour has over 20 years of experience dealing with ingrown toenails in Austin, TX. During your appointment, he will prescribe the best course of action for your situation.