Important Ingrown Toenail FAQs

Are you having issues with your feet? If so, you might need to make an appointment with a podiatrist in Austin, TX for a diagnosis. Don’t worry, though, it might be something as simple as an ingrown toenail. Let’s go over some ingrown toenail FAQs.

Important Ingrown Toenail FAQs

Here are some of the most common ingrown toenail questions.

Will an ingrown toenail heal itself?

No, an ingrown toenail won’t heal itself. But it’s possible if you catch it early on, you might be able to treat it at home. With that being said, it’s best to talk with a podiatrist to make sure no infection is present.

Should you cut out an ingrown toenail?

No, cutting out an ingrown toenail can lead to infection and make the situation worse.

Should you treat your ingrown toenail with hydrogen peroxide?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide is a natural disinfectant; therefore, you can treat your ingrown toenail with it if it hasn’t progressed into a moderate or severe situation.

Does Epsom salt draw out an ingrown toenail infection?

Yes, Epsom salt is great for healing an ingrown toenail infection. Try placing your foot in a mixture of warm water and Epsom salt for 15-20 minutes two times a day the first week, then once a day for the second week.

Will Neosporin help heal an ingrown toenail?

Each day, after soaking your foot in Epsom salt, you can apply some medicated cream to the affected area. Rub some Polysporin or Neosporin cream (not the ointment) on the area. However, talk with your podiatrist for advice about the proper ingrown toenail treatment first. They might recommend you keep the area dry after a point so your toe can heal.

Do you need a podiatrist in Austin, TX?

If you need a podiatrist in Austin, TX, please Contact Jeffery Lamour DPM, PA today. We have been providing patient-centered podiatry services to our patients for more than 20 years. Our state-of-the-art offices enable us to offer the most advanced treatments, as well as preventive and proactive solutions. We look forward to meeting you!


What Causes Yellow Toenails?

Contrary to popular belief, yellow toenails aren’t something only old folks get. Yellow toenails can happen for a variety of reasons that don’t have anything to do with aging. If you notice that you have yellow toenails, the smart thing to do is to contact your podiatrist in Austin, TX. In the meantime, here are some common reasons for yellow toenails.

Toe Fungus Infection

One of the most common reasons for yellow toenails is a fungus infection called onychomycosis. With onychomycosis, microscopic fungi called dermatophytes feast on keratin, which is the substance that your nails are made of. This infection targets the nails, causing them to develop yellow or white patches, or to turn yellow or even black. Onychomycosis can be brought on by:

  • Athlete’s feet
  • Poor immune system
  • Bad circulation
  • Diabetes
  • Nail trauma
  • Poor feet hygiene accompanied by an active lifestyle

Medical Condition

There is another common reason for yellow toenails that is called simply yellow nail syndrome. The exact cause of this syndrome isn’t yet known, but the symptoms include other signs besides yellow toenails. People with yellow nail syndrome may also experience:

  • Swelling
  • Discharge
  • Bleeding
  • Pain
  • Change in shape and/or thickness of toenails
  • Respiratory challenges

There may also be other symptoms with yellow nail syndrome that aren’t listed here.

Never try to diagnose the reason for yellow toenails at home. Yellow toenails shouldn’t only be considered as an aesthetic concern. If you or a loved one has yellow toenails in Austin, TX, it’s important to be checked out by a qualified podiatrist to diagnose and determine the reason for the condition. Treatment for yellow toenails may include topical ointments, antibiotics, supplements and more.

Contact your friendly, professional podiatrist today for help with yellow toenails and other foot and ankle conditions. Book your appointment today.


What Does a Foot Fracture Feel Like?

A foot fracture, or a broken foot, in Pflugerville or Austin, TX can occur for any number of reasons. While it’s more common in athletes, particularly those who have stepped up their training in the recent past, you can crack the bones in the surface of the foot due to repetitive motion or trauma of nearly every variety. If you’re wondering what it feels like and when it’s time to see a podiatrist, we’ll tell you more about what to do next.

The Nature of a Stress Fracture

A stress fracture in the foot in Pflugerville, TX typically develops if there’s any strain on the bones. The more pressure there is on a single area, the more likely it is that the strain will cause a hairline crack. These cracks are so tiny at the beginning, but they’re similar to a small tear in a piece of paper. In other words, it may not take very long before that tear becomes a much deeper fissure.

Can You Walk on a Fractured Foot?

Thankfully, you typically will get some notification from your body that your foot is in trouble. However, these early signs are mild, meaning you might not even concern yourself with them at first. This is why if you’re feeling any sense of pain or discomfort, particularly in the most commonly injured space between the toes and the ankle or in your heel, you should see a podiatrist in Austin or Pflugerville, TX.

Find a Foot Doctor in Austin, TX

With multiple locations, Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA understands that foot or heel conditions can manifest differently in different people. If you’re concerned about whether you fractured your foot or not, it’s always better to make an appointment than to risk making it worse.


Can Radiofrequency Treat Plantar Fasciitis?

The plantar fascia refers to the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, all the way from the base of the toes to the heel. It’s what gives your foot its arch and supplies the flexibility it needs to bend. When it becomes inflamed, particularly after the foot has undergone repeated stress, the tissue can form very small tears up and down your foot. If you’re interested in how to heal a frequently used area like this, we’ll tell you what radiofrequency can do to help.

Radiofrequency for Plantar Fasciitis

If you’re experiencing symptoms of plantar fasciitis in Austin, TX, which include pain both on the bottom of the foot and in the heel, a podiatrist has a few options about what to do next. After evaluating both your medical history and symptoms, they might recommend radiofrequency as a course of treatment.

With this approach, a special wand will administer energy to the area. The fluctuating rate of current is designed to damage your tissues in order to help stimulate your body’s natural healing process. While it may seem counterintuitive to bring further distress to the area, the treatment is precise enough to work for many people. By targeting the right areas, you may find that you don’t need any further attention from a podiatrist to get back on your feet again.

Podiatrists in Austin, TX

The staff at Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA has chosen TOPAZ as our radiofrequency instrument of choice. This minimally invasive procedure produces real results for our patients. With two convenient locations, you can visit a podiatrist in Austin and Pflugerville, TX with the training and the equipment needed to treat this complex condition. While radiofrequency may not be the right course of treatment for you, Dr. Lamour is sure to find an alternative with equally compelling results.