3 Important Facts About Blood Circulation in Your Foot

Most people know that the body will try to protect the core first. This is why your hands and feet will start to feel colder if you’re in a cold environment. Your hands and feet are important, but they’re not as important as your heart. We’ll look at what else you should know about blood circulation in the foot and what you can do to keep everything moving.

1. Poor Circulation Can Manifest in Different Ways

Poor circulation can show up as anything from cramping to skin ulcers. If you have pain, tingling, or numbness, it could be due to poor circulation. It’s worth noting that if your foot falls asleep occasionally, this isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. However, if you’re constantly feeling the sensation, it might be time to see a foot doctor in Plugerville, TX.

2. The Vessels in Your Feet Are Small

Even more than your hands, your feet are more likely to have poor circulation. Not only are these extremities furthest from your heart, making them less likely to get the nutrients they need from the blood, but they’re also packed with smaller blood vessels that can be easily damaged.

3. There Are Things You Can Do

There are plenty of ways to manage poor blood circulation, regardless of what types of conditions you face. From regular exercise to better shoes to keeping diabetes and high blood in check to seeing a podiatrist, it’s important to take steps to keep your circulation as peppy as possible. If you’re interested in learning more about how to do what’s best for your feet, whether that’s diabetic foot care in Austin, TX, or just general questions about your symptoms, the offices of Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA, is here to help.

Custom Orthotics vs Store Bought Orthotics: The Wrong Choice Could Cost You

Do your feet hurt? There are plenty of reasons for foot pain, and you’ll need a podiatrist in Austin, TX, to examine them and make a diagnosis. The podiatrist will then recommend a treatment that might include orthotics. But what are orthotics, and are they an over-the-counter solution or a custom solution?

Let’s take a look.

What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are inserts that are placed in your shoes to help correct any number of foot issues and to help ease the pain and discomfort of those issues.

Are Custom Orthotics Better than Store-Bought Orthotics?

Just as with anything else, a product that is customized to fit your specific needs will always be better than a one-size-fits-all solution. First and foremost, custom orthotics are custom-made to fit your feet like a glove and correct your specific issues.

The Benefits of Using Custom Orthotics

Here are some of the benefits of using custom orthotics in Austin, TX, rather than a store-bought shoe insert.

  • Better design
  • Better materials
  • More durable
  • Less expensive (yes, really, more about that in a moment)
  • Custom-fit
  • More comfortable
  • Better support

Are Store Bought Orthotics Ever Recommended?

Yes, in certain cases, your podiatrist might tell you that wearing a store-bought shoe insert will suffice for your situation, but not very often. If you have minor foot pain and discomfort, or you have a mild case of flat foot deformity, you might not need a custom orthotic. However, custom orthotics are always better for your feet because they are made specifically for you.

Additionally, custom orthotics are cheaper in the long run because store-bought shoe inserts are frequently ineffective, leading to additional foot issues. And, store-bought orthotics are less durable than custom orthotics, so you will have to replace them more often, making them a less cost-effective option. Additionally, custom orthotics are sometimes covered by your insurance, so you won’t have many, if any, out-of-pocket expenses.

Do You Need a Podiatrist in Austin, TX?

If you are searching for a podiatrist in Austin, TX, please Contact Jeffery Lamour, DPM, PA today. Dr. Lamour has 20 years of experience treating acute and chronic foot issues, which includes providing custom orthotics to his patients. The offices are comfortable and relaxing, and you will be treated with all the care and respect you deserve!

You Broke Your Toe Now What?

Oh no, you broke your toe, now what? A broken toe could be serious, but you’ll need a podiatrist in Austin, TX, to look at it and recommend a treatment. So, let’s look at the difference between minor and severe toe fractures, the symptoms of each, how they are treated, and how long it will take to heal.

You Broke Your Toe Now What?

Once an accident occurs, you will need to determine whether your toe injury is a minor or severe fracture. Then, your podiatrist can recommend the right treatment for a broken toe in Austin, TX.

The Symptoms of a Minor Toe Fracture

  • Swelling
  • Bruising (skin and/or toenail)
  • Throbbing
  • Difficulty moving your toe

The Symptoms of a Severe Toe Fracture

  • Crooked toe
  • Disfigured toe
  • Tingling toe
  • Numb toe
  • Bleeding wound on the toe

How to Treat a Minor Toe Fracture

A minor toe fracture will generally heal without surgery or causing any complications. However, it’s important that you don’t put any pressure on the injured toe. Your podiatrist will probably put a cast or splint on it to prevent movement so it can heal. Additionally, an ice pack can be placed on the injury to help prevent swelling until you can get to the doctor.

How to Treat a Severe Toe Fracture

The treatment for a severe toe fracture could include a cast, splint, or even surgery. Over-the-counter and/or prescription medications will be necessary to help control the pain. You will need to take immediate action to fix your toe fracture, or future complications could occur.

How Long Will It Take for a Toe Injury to Heal?

A minor toe injury will usually take between four and six weeks to heal. However, if you have a severe toe injury, you can expect it to take up to eight weeks or more to heal.

Do You Need a Podiatrist in Austin, TX?

If you are looking for a podiatrist in Austin, TX, please Contact Jeffery Lamour, DPM, PA today. Dr. Lamour has more than 20 years of experience in treating both acute and chronic issues of the feet and ankles. Our state-of-the-art offices are warm and welcoming, and we treat patients of all ages.

What Is Fibrous Scar Tissue?

When your body is injured, whether it’s from a fracture or a burn, it will get to work trying to heal itself. It’s one of the body’s most tremendous assets, but the healing process can also leave its essence behind. We’ll look at how fibrous scar tissue is formed and what you can do to treat it.

The Process of Fibrosis

The body can generate what’s known as fibroblast cells, which have the proteins needed to repair tissue if your foot has been injured. It takes some time for the proteins to work together as one, but once it does, you’ll start to feel better one day at a time.

However, everyone’s healing process is different, both in terms of how long it takes and how exactly the body reacts to the dangers at hand. If your body produces too many proteins or those proteins can’t quite all work in harmony, you’ll end up with fibrous scar tissue. This type of tissue doesn’t present with a lot of external symptoms.

You won’t feel a bump in the foot due to it, nor will you find yourself itching it from time to time. The best indication that you have is that the tissue will feel thicker or stiffer at certain parts of the foot.

Treating Foot Pain in Pflugerville, TX

If you’re looking for treatment options for ongoing foot pain in either Austin or Pflugerville, the offices of Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA, has two locations to serve you better. There are several ways to help break up scar tissue so that your body can take care of the problem on its own. If you’re looking for the best course for you, talk to us to get a better idea of what to do next.

Plantar Fasciitis vs. A Heel Spur: How to Tell the Difference

Heel spurs and plantar fasciitis both cause heel pain, which can make the two disorders difficult to distinguish from one another. We’ll look at the location and symptoms of the pain so it’s easier to tell one from the other.

Front Vs. Back

Heel pain from plantar fasciitis in Austin, TX, is caused by the inflammation of the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. This tissue might be thick and relatively resilient, but it’s not immune to general flare-ups. Because plantar fasciitis in Austin is a problem with the tissue, you’ll feel the pain in the front part of the heel. With a heel spur, which is caused by calcium deposits on the heel bone, you’re more likely to feel it in the back of the heel.

Morning Vs. Activity

When it comes to the type and timing of the pain, the two conditions will often present as opposites. Heel spurs present as dull aches, while plantar is typically far more intense. Plantar fasciitis can be worsened when you’re at rest, which is why you’ll feel it more if you’ve been sitting for a while or after you first get out of bed.

With heel spurs, you’re likely to feel it if you’ve done any type of activity on your feet. It’s worth noting that plantar fasciitis can also be worsened after activity. A rule of thumb is that if you have the pain both early in the morning and after activity, you likely don’t have heel spurs.

Foot Doctors in Austin, TX

No matter what types of heel pain you’re experiencing, the right podiatrist in Austin can help you work it out. Visit Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA, with locations in Austin and Pflugerville, to get a handle on your condition.