How Are Bunions Formed?

HBunions are uncomfortable bumps that most often form on the sides of the feet near the base of the big toe, on the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. They typically grow larger over time, so if you notice a bump developing, you should contact your podiatrist in Austin, TX, for treatment. Note that one form of bunion, called “bunionettes,” forms not on the side of the big toe but on the side of the pinky toe.

The Problem of Bunions

These bumps aren’t just unsightly. They can be extremely painful. They also affect the gait or the foot mechanics when walking, standing or running. But one of the most inconvenient aspects of having bunions is that they make it very difficult to find footwear that fits. This can be a vicious circle because if shoes are too tight because of the bunions, that can make the bunion even worse. Bunions often cause the affected toe to lift up over the abutting toe, creating an unnatural hump that also complicates finding shoes that fit correctly.

What Causes Bunions?

Although there is a form of bunions that is congenital, most bunions are formed from inordinate pressure on that area of the foot. This pressure is most common in shoes that are too tight, or that push the toe into an unnatural position. The main culprits when it comes to bunion-causing shoes are high heels. High heels not only squeeze the toes together; they also lift the back of the foot, so the weight of the body is pushed forward onto the balls of the feet.

How Are Bunions Formed?

Bunions are formed when unnatural bone growth occurs in the area with the extra pressure. This bone growth creates a bump that is often red and inflamed. Essentially, it creates a foot deformity. The first stage in the formation of a bunion happens when the extra pressure causes the bone to be pushed out of place. This forces the joint at the base of your big toe to stick out. Bunions are made of a combination of bone and tissue.

Bunion treatment in Austin, TX, and Pflugerville, TX is available at the podiatrist’s office of Jeffrey LaMour. Contact us for an assessment and to learn about treatment options.

Will Bunions Go Away On Their Own?

Bunions are formed when the bones and the muscles of the foot don’t agree. Once they’re misaligned, they create a bump that sticks underneath the base of the big toe. It’s possible that bunions are an inheritable trait, though they may be a product of poorly fitting shoes or inflammatory conditions. If you’re wondering if bunions in Pflugerville will go away on their own, you should know a few things about the condition.

Reversing Bunions

There is really no way to reverse a bunion without treatment unless the bunion is caught at the very beginning. If the joint is still flexible, then it may be able to go back to its original position. Once it’s formed, though, it’s likely to get bigger over time. The much bigger question is whether this will affect you and your mobility. Many people will have bunions without adverse effects. If it’s growing, it’s doing so at a slow enough pace that you may not even notice.

If you are feeling pain or discomfort and don’t wish to have surgery for your bunions, you can consider anything from regular over-the-counter medication to special shoes. If you want to give your feet the healthiest conditions, make sure you choose a shoe with a wide toebox, preferably with enough support at the sole and without a high heel.

See a Podiatrist in Austin

The best way to treat bunions with the help of a professional is to catch them as early as possible. Seeing a podiatrist in Austin, TX, could halt the progress. From custom orthotics to splinting, the staff of Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA, can help you learn more about the best ways to combat this common occurrence.


3 Ways to Achieve Bunion Relief at Home

Tired of dealing with bunion pain? These bony bumps can sure be a pain in the foot, and seeking bunion treatment in Austin, TX is always recommended. However, as you wait for your appointment, there may be a few things you can do to find some relief at home.

1. Use hot and cold therapy on your aching feet

Heat packs, ice water soaks, and even massage can help with some bunion pain. The bunion hurts because of the undue stress on the joint and the inflammation that surrounds it. Therefore, anything you can do to bring down the levels of inflammation will likely offer some level of relief. See how your bunions respond to different things to determine what brings you the most relief.

2. Consider wearing a splint while you sleep

Foot splints for bunions are designed to straighten the affected toe, which may potentially alleviate some of the pain you feel the next day. Foot splints for bunion pain can be purchased at most medical device stores but should be discussed with a doctor before use. Talk to the foot doctor about wearing a foot splint while you sleep to help with the discomfort.

3. Protect the bunion inside your shoes

If you have to be up and about despite the bunion, look at ways to protect that area of your foot. For example, you can purchase gel pads that stick to the bunion and prevent it from rubbing the inside of your shoe when you walk. This protection may also help reduce callus formation and friction lesions that can also be a source of bunion pain.

Talk to a Podiatrist in Austin About Bunion Treatment

Buinion pain can seriously inhibit your ability to move as much as you want. If you’re tired of dealing with bunions, seeking treatment from a podiatrist in Austin, TX is important. Ready to schedule an appointment? Call us at the office of Dr. jeffery Lamour DPM, PA.


What Are The Causes of Bunions and Neuromas?

Bunions and neuromas are common foot problems that can cause significant discomfort and affect daily activities. While different factors can cause these conditions, they share similarities regarding symptoms and treatment options.

The proficient team at Dr. Jefferey Lamour DPM, PA, of Austin, TX, is proud to serve the local community with exceptional foot care and a wide range of valuable services to restore your quality of life.

What are Bunions and Neuromas?

A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe joint. It occurs when the joint moves out of place and becomes unstable, causing the bones to shift and the toe to angle toward the other toes. On the other hand, a neuroma is a painful condition that affects the nerves in the ball of the foot. It can cause burning pain, numbness, and tingling sensations and can be aggravated by wearing tight shoes or high heels.

What Causes Bunions and Neuromas?

The exact causes of bunions and neuromas are not fully understood, but some factors can increase your risk of developing these conditions:


Bunions and neuromas can run in families, suggesting that there may be a genetic component involved in their development.


Wearing tight shoes or high heels can pressure the toes and the ball of the foot, increasing the risk of developing bunions and neuromas.

Foot Injuries

Injuries to the foot, such as fractures or sprains, can lead to changes in the alignment of the foot and increase the risk of developing bunions and neuromas.

Your Local Quality Podiatrist

Bunions and neuromas can cause significant discomfort and affect your daily activities. If you are experiencing any symptoms of these conditions, seeing a podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment is critical. During your next consultation with the adept team at Dr. Jefferey Lamour DPM, PA, of Austin, TX, you can be sure you are receiving the proper care and guidance you deserve.

Bunions: An FAQ

Bunions are a common foot problem that many people experience, and yet many people have questions about what bunions are, and how they’re treated. It’s normal to have questions about bunions in Austin TX.

In this FAQ, we’ll explore answers to these questions. If you think you may have bunions, we hope this FAQ can help! For more information about bunions and how they work, call Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA.

What is a bunion?

A bunion is a bump on the base of the big toe, at the joint. The bump forms when certain bones in the foot move out of place, causing the end of the big toe to point inward and the joint to point outward. Bunions can be painful.

What causes bunions?

Many things can cause bunions including poor footwear, foot deformities and certain foot injuries.

Can bunions be treated?

Bunions can be treated surgically if needed, or they can be treated with non-surgical treatments such as ice, special footwear, padding and shoe footwear. Your foot doctor can help you determine what kind of treatment is best for your bunions. For quick relief, see a foot doctor as soon as you’ve noticed the bunion.

How can you tell it’s a bunion?

Most people can tell when they have a bunion simply by looking at it. However, if you’re feeling uncertain, you can check with a foot doctor for confirmation. Your foot doctor can diagnose the condition and make recommendations for treatment.

How are bunions treated?

Do you need bunion treatment? Contact your foot doctor in Austin TX. Call Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA today to make an appointment and find out more about getting your bunions cared for.

Is Bunion Surgery Worth It?  

Bunion surgery is one of the treatment options that your podiatrist has available in order to take care of your bunions. Although bunion surgery is very common and bunions are very treatable, many people shy away, thinking that they might as well just go on living with their bunion pain. But if you’ve ever considered bunion surgery, you should be aware of the benefits you could reap.

Benefits of Bunion Surgery

The benefits of Austin, TX bunion surgery alone make it worthwhile. Although there is a recovery period, during which time you will need to limit use of your foot, you’ll be able to enjoy many benefits of this procedure when you’re fully recovered.

Ability to Keep Fit

As a bunion sufferer, you know how painful it can be to exercise on foot. Even finding a comfortable pair of athletic shoes is a huge challenge. After bunion surgery, it will be much easier to keep fit through exercise, since you won’t be experiencing the same level of discomfort as before surgery.

Reduction or Elimination of Pain

Bunions can be extremely painful. But patients who undergo bunion surgery report reduction or total elimination of pain associated with bunions. Your podiatrist can’t make any guarantees, but it’s highly likely that your bunion pain will be a thing of the past.

More Self-Confidence

Another benefit of having bunion surgery is the increase in self-confidence. Imagine being able to walk into work or social gatherings in fashionable shoes (even if they aren’t high heels), instead of orthopedic shoes you only wore because of your bunions! Simply being able to walk without feeling like you have a hidden problem will help you feel more at ease whenever you leave the house.

If you’d like to learn more about bunion surgery and why it’s definitely worth it, book an appointment with your Austin, TX podiatrist today!


Finding Shoes When Dealing With Bunions

If you have bunions, you know how difficult it is to find comfortable shoes. Bunions are malformations on the outside of the joint where the big toe meets the foot. These growths alter the shape of the foot, making it painful to wear almost all shoes. In fact, many people with bunions opt to go barefoot as much as possible when at home, for that very reason. Eventually, though, you need to wear shoes. Here are some helpful tips from your Austin, TX podiatrist for finding shoes when dealing with bunions.

Shop at Wide Width Stores

There are some specialty shoe stores online that specialize in shoes in widths from D on up to EE and maybe even wider than that. Getting wide shoes helps to ensure that you don’t irritate the bunion by having a narrow width. This will reduce the possibility for pain as well as help prevent your bunion from getting worse.

Try Shoes With Elastic Bands Across the Top

Some shoemakers are more sensitive to the needs of those with bunions. There are certain styles of shoes that have elastic bands across the area where your bunion is. This allows more people to fit into the shoe size comfortably.

Opt For Shoes With Gaps on the Sides

In summer, you’ll find more shoe selections with straps instead of a full enclosure. These often have gaps right where the bunion is, allowing absolutely no friction on your bunion from the shoe. Many women find this style both flattering and comfortable, in particular.

Get Treatment For Your Bunions

Of course, the best shoe solution for your bunion is to have the bunion treated. Treatment for bunions in Austin, TX is available at your podiatrist’s office. Contact us today to find out what treatments might be available for you.

What Causes Bunions?

The malformation of the joint of the big toe is commonly known as a bunion, although hallux valgus is the medical word for bunions. They arise from a structural issue in the bone of the foot and toes, most commonly in the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. As a result, the feet are no longer correctly aligned. A bunion is characterized by an outward-pointing toe and a lump on the inner side of the foot. Pain may arise when the bunion gets more noticeable.

Common Causes of Bunions

Your podiatrist in Austin, TX says that the most common reasons for bunions include:

Genetic Conditions

Unfortunately, it’s very common for people to simply inherit a foot type that precludes itself to bunions. When this happens, bunions may not be certain, but it makes good sense to try to avoid the risk factors of bunions.

Ill-Fitting Shoes

The best shoes are made of natural materials, such as leather, that allow the material to stretch. Shoes of vinyl and plastic materials tend to squeeze the feet and can contribute to the development of bunions.


When a person is overweight, the weight is not distributed correctly on the feet. This can lead to standing and walking in a manner that can lead to the development of bunions in Austin, TX.


Certain kinds of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lend themselves to inflammation and malformation of joints, including the joint where the big toe connects with the foot.

Foot Injury

Whenever you have a foot injury, it’s imperative that you visit your Austin, TX podiatrist for treatment. Foot injuries that are not properly treated can lead to a lifetime of suffering with a bunion.

If you have one or two bunions, you may be able to have it treated by your podiatrist. Contact us today for a consultation.

Got Bunions? A Few Important Facts to Know

Studies suggest that about 23 percent of people from 18 to 65 have bunions. What are these growths on the feet and how are they treated? Here is a look at a few important things every person with bunions should know.

Bunions are caused by several things.

Bunions can have several causation factors, such as:

  • Deformities that were present when you were born
  • Injuries to the foot or repeated foot stress
  • Genetics or having a certain foot type

Wearing tight shoes can cause a problem.

People who spend a lot of time in high heels, shoes that come to a narrow point, or shoes that are too narrow for their feet are more prone to having bunions. The pressure on the foot can cause a deformity related to the bones of the feet being pushed forward. Make sure you wear shoes that allow your toes a little room to move. There should also be a little space between the end of your big toe and the edge of your shoe.

Corns and calluses can actually be related to bunions.

If you have a lot of issues with corns and calluses, it can be a sign that you are also dealing with bunions, so take a good look at your feet. Corns and calluses are indicative of high points of localized weight or pressure, which can be related to a bunion. Some people who have bunions naturally shift weight to other parts of their feet, which can cause corns and calluses to form.

Complications of bunions are common.

If you never have any issues with your bunions, consider yourself lucky. Some people develop more serious conditions with their bunions, such as hammertoe, bursitis, or even metatarsalgia, which causes severe pain, tenderness, and swelling in the ball of your foot. Bunion surgery may be necessary if the bunion grows too large, which can happen in some cases.

Contact Us for Help with Bunions

Bunions can be unsightly and painful, and there are treatment options available with the help of a qualified podiatrist. If you have issues with bunions, reach out to us at the office of Dr. Jeffrey Lamour DPM, PA to schedule an appointment or to get further information.

Helpful Tips For Managing Your Bunions

When you’re working or going out for the evening, it’s understandable that you want to look your best. You put on nice clothes, do your hair, and don your totally uncomfortable but great-looking shoes. You hobble the day away, smiling through the pain, and wait for the moment you finally get to remove them and massage your aching feet.

Pointy-toed, too-tight shoes are more than a daily inconvenience. Over time, these shoes can actually change the shape of your feet and lead to a condition called bunions, or hallux valgus.

These painful, unsightly bumps develop on the big toe joint when pressure is repeatedly put on it, causing the big toe to lean toward the second toe. Over an extended period of time, the structure of the bone and joint changes, which results in the dreaded bunion bump.

Although anyone can get a bunion, we see it more commonly in women due to tight, pointy, high-heeled shoes. Because specific foot shapes are more prone to bunions, we also see an increase in bunion diagnoses in people with a family history of bunions.

If you frequently wear shoes that force your toes together, we strongly recommend scheduling a consultation with Jeffery W. LaMour, DPM, PA, to determine the overall condition of your feet. Once we’ve determined that you do, in fact, have a bunion, here are the next steps.

Change Your Footwear

Once you’ve developed a bunion, the first thing you should do is contact us immediately to schedule an appointment. Dr. LaMour will likely recommend that you switch your footwear right away to something with lower heels and roomier toes. Dr. LaMour may also prescribe custom orthotic inserts to help manage your bunions and minimize pain.


If we are able to diagnose your bunions early enough, the joint still may be flexible enough to coax back into position without surgery. One of the best ways to do this is by using a splint, typically at night, to keep the toe straight and try to realign the joint.

Splinting may not be a permanent solution, especially if the bunion has been developing for a while.

Pain Management

It’s no secret that bunions are painful, especially if you are on your feet a lot. Dr. LaMour offers recommendations to help manage the pain, which typically include exercise, ice packs, warm foot soaks, and oral or injected pain medication. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen may ease bunion pain.


When we’re able to catch bunions early, we are usually able to save you from surgery. Unfortunately, we don’t always catch them early enough and cannot avoid surgery in every case, especially in severe or long-term cases where the joint has become arthritic. When surgery is called for, Dr. LaMour uses the latest, most advanced medical equipment and techniques to realign your joint and get you back on your feet as quickly as possible.

Bunions are no fun. They’re painful, unsightly, inconvenient, and, if untreated, can lead to arthritis. Don’t wait until it’s too late to manage your bunions without surgery. If you have a history of wearing too-tight shoes or think you may be developing a bunion, please schedule a consultation with Dr. LaMour to determine the condition of your joints. We’ll help you to manage and even reverse the bunion’s effects on your feet, body, and overall health. Get ready to once again put your best foot forward.