On Your Feet All Day? How to Care for Overworked Feet?

The average person takes thousands of steps per day – and those who work on their feet take many more. Although it can be beneficial to move around and not sit at a desk, people who stand or walk frequently at work certainly experience their share of foot soreness and fatigue.

Choose the Right Shoes

If you are on your feet for long hours each day, you need to consider function over fashion when it comes to shoes. Sure, high heels, flip flops, and pointy toes look attractive, but they could cost you the health of your feet in the long term.

Wearing shoes without proper support and comfort can cause or exacerbate a wide range of problems. Minor issues such as blisters and corns and more severe issues such as bunions, plantar fasciitis, and pain in the hips, back, and knees can all result from wearing the wrong shoes for long periods.

Do the right thing for your feet – and the rest of your body – by wearing shoes with good arch support, a wide toe box, and proper support for your ankles. Shoes approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) are a safe choice.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Well-hydrated feet are healthy feet. Standing for long periods can lead to swelling and water retention, so flush it out by drinking plenty of water and non-caffeinated fluids throughout the day. This may also give you more energy, as even mild dehydration has been linked to fatigue.

Care for Sore Feet

Sometimes even the best cared-for feet need some pampering at the end of a long day. One of the best ways to give sore feet a break is with simple elevation. Put your feet up and rest!

In addition, heat feels good on tired feet, so try a warm foot soak or bath with Epsom salts. Some people find that essential oils such as peppermint are not only soothing, but smell great too.

A foot massage can feel wonderful at the end of a long day, so ask your spouse if he or she would be willing to oblige. A good foot massage can relax muscles and ease the soreness of tired feet. If you don’t have a live person to massage your feet, try a massage ball, available at many shoe stores. Simply roll the textured ball around under your foot for a relaxing DIY massage!

Stretch Out

Finally, be sure you properly stretch the muscles in your feet and legs at the end of the day. Stretching is not only relaxing, but it helps improve flexibility too. Gently stretch toes up and down, flex and point the foot, and be sure to stretch the calves. Don’t stretch too vigorously and don’t “bounce” while stretching. If you’re doing it correctly, it should make you feel good, not cause more pain.

Your feet carry you throughout your day, so treat them right! Care for them each day, and make sure you have a great podiatrist on your side if problems arise. Contact Dr. Jeffery LaMour and his experienced podiatry staff today!

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