Can Plantar Warts Be Different Colors?

Plantar warts can show up as gray, flesh-colored, or brown, so it’s important to know what you’re looking at before you try to self-diagnose. These noncancerous growths are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be spread anywhere HPV is present. It’s worth nothing that this can mean contact with another plantar wart, which is why noticing any abnormalities as soon as possible can be key to stopping the spread.

What to Look for

In addition to the color of your feet, here are a few other tell-tale signs of plantar warts:

  • Black dots: You may find dark dots in the center of the wart. These are the capillaries in the wart that provide the wart with blood.
  • Pain: Pressing on a plantar wart in any form, whether it’s pressure from a hand or by walking on the wart, can trigger pain and discomfort.
  • Lesions or calusses: Rough lesions on the bottom of your feet or thick, hard calluses can be a symptom of plantar warts.

Plantar warts in Austin orPflugerville, TXare almost always found either on the balls of the foot or the heel, which is just one of the reasons why they’re hard to ignore for most people. The best way to prevent them is by wearing protective footwear, which will limit the number of cuts and abrasions to your foot.

Podiatrists in Austin or Pflugerville

In general, plantar warts are more of an inconvenience than they are a danger. For people with diabetes or anyone with an immunocompromised system, though, the consequences of a plantar wart can be more severe. If you’re looking for apodiatrist in Austin or Pflugerville, TX who can treat them, Dr. Jeffrey Lamour, DPM, PA has a number of ways to help you get rid of them for good.

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