Most Common Winter Sports Injuries Treated by Podiatrists

Winter sports are always a blast – until injuries take you out of the game, of course. Thankfully, your podiatrist in Austin TX can help you get back on your feet and feeling great once again. Beyond that, podiatrists offer the guidance and support you need to avoid injuries in the first place. Wondering how? Here’s what you need to know.

Common Winter Sports Injuries

While enjoying winter sports, there’s always a risk of injuries, like:

  • Blisters
  • Calluses
  • Sprains
  • Fractures
  • Dislocations

Wearing ultra-warm socks and insulated boots increases your risk of athlete’s foot as well. Plus, if you have peripheral arterial disease, diabetes, or similar conditions, you have a higher risk of developing frostbite while out in the cold.

Even minor injuries should get checked out by a podiatrist. They will help you recover faster plus provide the care needed to avoid serious complications.

Best Ways to Prevent Injuries

Prevention is key, of course, if you’d like your winter sports to continue all season long. You can start by strengthening your body and improving your balance through the daily use of a wobble board. Also, use mat tumbling sessions to work on falling to the side instead of the front or back of your body.

When you go out to enjoy your winter sports, always use all the protective gear possible all the time. Also, make sure that your gear fits you right and feels good throughout the day. If you notice anything feels a bit off, halt your activities and fix your gear before continuing on.

How a Podiatrist in Austin TX Can Help

Did ankle injuries derail your winter sports fun? If so, call 512-451-3668 to schedule a visit with Dr. LaMour. As your podiatrist, he will assess your ankle injuries in Austin TX and create a treatment plan designed to get you back on your feet. You’ll need to start with a full examination at a consultation appointment. So, please feel free to schedule your visit any time.

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